FNNBOA has an arrangement with Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) and CSA Group to access building codes, illustrated guides on the National Building Code (NBC) and standards that are referenced in the national, provincial and municipal building codes.
As part of the FNNBOA annual membership fee, members can access these documents for $100. The cost for a new member is $150.00 (initiations fee $50.00 + $100.00 membership fee).
Generally, the price for someone to access all these documents would be around $18,000.00.
Please visit the FNNBOA website for complete an application and payment instructions:
It is important to not delay your application.
For years, FNNBOA has been advocating the importance of our members and those working in the construction sector in our communities to have access to these documents. Now that information is available at a significantly reduced rate.
As a non-political organization, FNNBOA continues to build better careers, homes and communities, together.
If you have any questions, please email:, or call: 1 (613) 236-2040.
Article Supplied by FNNBOA in 2019